Thomas Desmond Headshot
Thomas Desmond
Cloudflare Technical Marketing Engineer

I am a podcaster now!

Mob Mentality Video Podcast logo

Over the past two weeks, I have been a guest on two podcasts The Mob Mentality Show and the Dev Ed Podcast. These two recordings have been my first ever experiences on a podcast and I have to say they were both lots of fun! As of right now, the two recordings are not live but expect posts in the upcoming weeks highlighting the recordings.

On The Mob Mentality Show, I got to talk about my recent presentation at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference on Creating Quality with Mob Programming. I also got to talk about my other experiences as a mob programmer for the past 4 years.

Dev Ed audio podcast logo

For the Dev Ed Podcast, the topic was ASP.Net. I have a course coming out very soon on teaching how to create a C# ASP.Net Core API so that is why the topic was ASP.Net. I got to speak to ASP.Net but also my experience as a university instructor.

When the two podcasts are live and out in the wild I will be sure to update the post with links! Also, I hope to be a part of many more podcasts in the future.